So you have decided you want to lose weight. The next question is how much do you want to lose? For some this isn't an easy answer. Some may pick the weight they were when they got married. Or maybe the weight listed on your drivers license (because we all lie :o). Or do you go a more techinical route and use your BMI (body mass index) as a guideline? Whatever method you use, just be sure you are setting a goal for yoursel that is realistic. We would all love to look like we did when we were 18, but is that realistic? Probably not. So before you pinpoint the exact place you want to be, consider at what weight would allow you to look and feel healthier, as well as a number that you can live with emotionally.
The best way to start is to choose small goals so you aren't feeling overwhelmed or discouraged. Aim to lose 5-10% of your weight for your first goal. Or you may even want to go smaller and set goals for every five pounds. By choosing a number that isn't too far out of reach your less likely to get discouraged and to stick with it. Losing just 10% of your weight will reap alot of health benefits including decreased risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
Another way to determine what your goal should be is also to consider the lowest weight you've been able to maintain for a substaintial period of time.However, the further you are in years from that pivotal age, the less realistic that goal could be.
People typically lose lean muscle mass as they age and that loss causes a decrease in metabolic rate. You may need to reevaluate your target number because what was realistic when you were 25 may not be so at age 35.
Here are a few things you will need to evaluate when determining the best weight for you.
*Your age- as you get older the metabolism slows down making it harder to lose weight
* Your height- Use these figures to calculate your BMI.
* Your lifestyle- Before setting a goal determine at what extent you can increase your physical activity. As well as the dietary changes you can stick with.
* If you have a weight related health problem ask your doctor how much you should try to lose to improve your health.
Of course comfort is the key. Set a goal that is somewhat flexible, because you may not realize what a comfortable weight is until you reach it. Once you reach your target, you can always adjust your goal of where you want to be.