Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Shrinkvivor: Week 4 Challenges

Shrinkvivor Weekly Challenges #3

Each week we are given a new set of challenges. I will admit so far I haven't been doing as well as I should. And I would be suprised if I am not reporting from Exile Island next week. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, but....

This week my own challenge to myself is to not let myself get so overwhelmed that I don't make time to do the things I need to do for ME... like exercise. 

The Shrinkvivor challenges this week are: A min. of 5 fruits and veggies a day, no fast food, drink 1/2 your body weight in water daily. The fitness challenge is to log your fastest mile... wondering how fast I can go..

Now I have that song that features Alvin from Alvin in the Chipmunks " How low can you go" instead "How fast can you go, how fast can you go" Great! 

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